
Now here’s a project with a tongue-twisting name. Pd-L2Ork is a fork (a variant) of the ubiquitous Pure-Data (Pd) free open source real-time visual programming language, a brainchild of Miller ...

RPi Orchestra

Raspberry Pi (RPi) Orchestra is the latest addition to L2Ork‘s hardware infrastructure. Inspired by an ongoing effort to minimize cost overhead, the initiative grew out of Maker-like pilots, i...


Apart from pd-l2ork, L2Ork project has resulted in another focus area arguably worthy of a post of its own: K-12 (kindergarten through the 12th grade) educational outreach. In the winter 2010 L2...


Named as one of the top six national transdisciplinary exemplars (a2ru, 2015), and one of the top eight research projects at Virginia Tech (VT) (DCist, 2014), a contemporary intermedia ensemble Linux ...